This is becoming a nightly discussion …Pierre is Flushing the Turd.

Check out the Politics of this latest Liberal Self Own….5 minutes

Caution Turd’s flying out of the PMs Mouth a mile a minute…might make the weak stomached puke

For those not up to speed with Canadian Politics
We have basically 4 parties represented in the Federal Parlaiment

Liberals have a small Minority .
They need one of the NDP (Communist Party) or Block Quebecois ( BQ) ( Seperatist Party of Quebec)
for every vote to pass .

Their Coalition is with the Communists ( Jagmeet Singh …aka Dogmeat ) who pledged to support them until at least the next election….effectively creating a far Left Coalition

Now we have a Carbon tax on all Fuel that is not green which increases every year …this in the midst of higher and higher inflation

The Turd is losing in the polls…all of Canada…. but the real surprise is in The Atlantic Provinces…where they have a lot of seats…which are all going strongly Conservative in the polls now…So the Turd caved and removed the carbon tax on home heating oil for 3 years ( Atlantic canada and only them mostly heat with oil)…Note the tax Doubles every year…so at year 4 it will quadruple…Most the country heats with cleaner Nat Gas or propane or Hydro so we will not get the break. …so they get the benefit of the Claw back

So Pierre Tabled a bill for all Home heating fuels to get the break on the carbon tax for 3 years.

The Vote was taken and lo and behold the NDP voted FOR BUT… The Turd Bribed the Seperatists (BQ) to support it.

So now they have another Coalition..this time they must have made Concessions for Quebec Independence ( more of it at the minimum)

All the Provinces Premiers are of course pushing to support the equal treatment of all heating oil.

This will be interesting now

Canadian Politics in the grand sceme of things is not that important…BUT we have a Turd in charge that EVERYBODY hates…and we need to Flush him…this helps…but how long must we wait. he has 2 more years unless his Party Flushes him first

Pass the Apples

Getting Juicy

PS…The TURD is SO hot to keep his Carbon Tax and save the Planet….even though The Commies in The USA even decided against any Carbon tax.

Canada Produces an infintisimal amount of the worlds carbon ….so WTF is the matter with this guy ?