This weekend, the Washington Post ran a hysterical, long-form, non-paywalled article headlined, “Trump And Allies Plot Revenge, Justice Department Control In A Second Term.” Revenge plots! The sub-headline darkly warned, “Advisers have also discussed deploying the military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day. Critics have called the ideas under consideration dangerous and unconstitutional.”

Clearly the WaPo became very upset when it discovered that the Trump Team is working with the Heritage Foundation to draft various procedures and executive orders intended to drain the swamp and safeguard the 2024 election. In particular, WaPo was incensed at Trump’s alleged plans to investigate a whole slew of people in the federal government, including both democrats (like Biden and his family) as well as Republicans (like Attorney General Bill Barr and Retired General Mark Milley).

Trump and Heritage have also suggested deployment of the U.S. Military under the Insurrection Act, to protect the 2024 election from violent protests and other types of election sabotage.

In light of all that, suddenly, somehow, the completely tone-deaf WaPo has magically discovered the alarming term: “banana republic.” Apparently, when conservatives even think about doing it, banana-republicing is “dangerous” and “unconstitutional”:

To facilitate Trump’s ability to direct Justice Department actions, his associates have been drafting plans to dispense with 50 years of policy and practice intended to shield criminal prosecutions from political considerations. Critics have called such ideas dangerous and unconstitutional.
“It would resemble a banana republic if people came into office and started going after their opponents willy-nilly,” said Saikrishna Prakash, a constitutional law professor at the University of Virginia who studies executive power. “It’s hardly something we should aspire to.”
Really? Would it resemble a banana republic if people came into office and started going after their opponents willy-nilly? Hmm. I wonder. Do you think we could find any examples of that kind of thing laying around the country anywhere? Now, before you guys say what I know you are going to say, the WaPo was way ahead of you.

Don’t say Trump! Trump’s prosecutions are totally different and not politically-motivated at all. Here’s how the WaPo simply explained the difference:

Trump has claimed without evidence that the criminal charges he is facing — a total of 91 across four state and federal indictments — were made up to damage him politically.
(But) Special counsel Jack Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Biden have all said that Smith’s prosecution decisions were made independently of the White House, in accordance with department rules on special counsels.
So there you have it! It’s so simple. Case closed. Grandma Garland and President Robert L. Peters have both assured you — quite firmly now — that politics had nothing to do with it; Trump is just a master criminal who went on a national crime spree of victimless process crimes and now he must pay the price. And don’t worry, Biden and Garland would definitely tell us if they were prosecuting Trump banana republic style. They wouldn’t lie about something like that.

Neither would the Washington Post, dummies. How dare you.

Seriously, though, I’m not a fan of banana-republic-style political prosecutions when anybody does it. But the banana-colored feline is out of the Republic’s bag, or words to that effect. Reform would be great. We desperately need criminal justice reform across the board; we should strip from the books all the so-called strict-liability (intent-less) crimes, the process crimes, the victimless crimes, and so forth. It shouldn’t be a felony to lie to a federal officer if the lie is not about anything material, for example.

The WaPo story utterly failed to mention the fact that deranged leftists have long planned to disrupt the 2024 elections and any potential Republican presidency. Buried by the news are credible reports of leftist plans to: shut down the nation’s capital in case of Trump’s re-inauguration, disrupt major ports and shipping facilities, and in one remarkable example, to bomb the FedEx facility and the airport in Memphis, Tennessee – one of the busiest cargo airports in the world. Generally, intercepted plans suggest leftists intend to widely disrupt U.S. economic activity unless Trump is removed from office.

And those are just the ones we know about.

Here’s what to take away from this story. For over two years now, I’ve heard conservatives complain about the stolen election and the lack of planning about how to actually drain the swamp. But there IS planning going on about how to drain the swamp. And there is planning going on about how to secure the elections. There are two very good reasons why you haven’t heard more about those plans.

First, Establishment Media will never report anything that would buoy conservative hopes. So it’s not like they’ll be advertising it for us. Second, it’s not time yet. Especially as to election security, if remedial security plans were unveiled too soon, then cheaters would have time to develop countermeasures. Some things have to be done early and publicly, like changes to elections laws in some states, and we’ve seen those. But as for other strategies, one must wait till very close to the election before revealing the whole plan.

I do not know all the plans. I do not need to know. But I do know there is a lot of planning going on. There’s no guarantee the plans will work. But never think that conservatives are rolling blindly into this election cycle without plans. And today’s WaPo story proves how just upset the liberals are to find out about conservative planning.