As great as the many innovations in technology have been, and the resulting increases in productivity and quality of life from them, most get much more hype than is warranted. AI is just the latest example. Instead of labelling it “artificial intelligence” it should have been called “automated inquiry”. There has been no evidence that machines have been programmed to think. What all these programs have done(at least up to this point) is to rapidly collect and regurgitate enormous amounts of data. Beneficial yes, for doing research and automating tedious, mundane tasks such as searching legal briefs or crunching large files of historical or mathematical data. What comes out of these searches and inquiries is still biased by how and who programmed the algorithms. So just as drone delivery of packages, flying cars, autonomous vehicles etc. use new and amazing technology and offer promises of future products and services, much of the hype around AI is starting to fade as to how fantastic and useful, it will actually be. Many tedious jobs will likely be eliminated and numerous others will benefit from and even be created by the time saving and productivity enhancing, that automated inquiry offers, but as to actual intelligence, (critical thinking and reasoning) it is not happening, anytime soon.