This one is brilliant

Thanks Sally


So after listening to Garland Nixon and now especially JP Sears

Here is what I think

“THEY” want war …”THEY” Started a Visceral Response from the Pro Israel faction by turning loose these Hamonsters and now they are starting a visceral reaction from the Pro Palestine faction because of Israel’s uncontrolled response and now we have everyone wanting to Kill everyone …either all the Jews or all the Palestinians…who benefits ? The neocons and their masters…The Militry Industrial Complex.

So…These Massive Protests we have been reviling …may actually be massive Rallies For Peace at their essence .

They are a hybrid at any rate…Who are the supporters ? Not only Palestinians and Woke College Kids…maybe it is also an organic anti war anti Neocon Movement…Thats what Garland is supporting . He was at the DC event and he said it was glorious .

There are many in these protests who seem to be calling for death to all Jews….and that is what the media is playing up.

BUT is that what this is all about ? OR is it really all about a new Anti War Movement…like we had in the 60s

The Dominant Slogan seems to be Ceasefire Now !

Whatever it is it’s huge and Nixon says it will destroy the Democrat Party as the Pro Palestinian faction takes on the Neocon Faction. Nixon says this will compel many of the younger Democrat Voters to just stay home next November. They won’t vote for Trump…so just wont vote. He believes there will be MILLIONS…literally MILLIONs of Protesters at the DNC Convention wherever it is held …most of them Democrat Base …They will shut down that city…The recent protest in DC was organized in a week…What can they get if they have 6 months ?

What is it they say about …when you enemy is destroying itself your job is to NOT stop them …just sit back and watch the show.

So ….For NOW…I support the Anti War Movement ….These Millions and Millions of Protesters can’t ALL be Muslim Extrtemists and Queers

A very Confusing time to be alive.

Personally i can’t wait for the Next Installment of the Goldballoon Chronicals