I once studied a course on how to Think . Cancel cancel cancel was one of the mantras…every time you think something negative and keep thinking it long enough ( minutes) you attract more of the same and you start seeing signs and get more of the same ..until you have a belief …which is a thought you keep thinking….So…cancel cancel cancel that thought …nip it in the bud and replace it with a thought that feels better.


They Cancelled Joe Rogan at Spotify …and he is still there ..more popular than ever

They cancelled Tucker Carleson at FOX…and he is still there on X…more popular than ever

OF COURSE…They cancelled Trump Everywhere and he is STILL THERE…EVERYWHERE !

They cancelled Russell Brand at You Tube…still there at Rumble …almost 2 million subscribers and rising fast…still see him on You Tube as well sometimes.

Whats ever happened to the Rape Charges ? Haven’t heard a thing lately

Anyhow here is the latest Brand …with Ed Dowd

This Is Truly SHOCKING! Excess Deaths – What They Aren’t Telling You


Thanks Brian

PS also the Turd and Company have passed a Hugley contested internet Control Bill…It’s supposed to tax the Big tech Companies . So they decided to cancel Canada.

I have not hear anyone complain they cannot get the Information they would like to get in spite of this

Much ado about Nothing . Everyone in the Canadian Alterverse was panicked about this Bill…fear Porn

They are Herding Cats…everything they do to try to keep us in the dark just turns on another Light.

Bunch of Bumbling Idiots…LOL olol