the Washington Examiner ran an uplifting story yesterday headlined, “Speaker Johnson has ‘big plans’ for House GOP and they’re rooted in seven key principles.”

In 2018, when he ran to chair a GOP committee, Johnson asked the GOP caucus members how they would succinctly pitch conservatism to young liberals. When people struggled to answer, Johnson suggested that, if they took every Republican writing from the Federalist Papers to the Republican Party platform, it would boil down to seven key points, which he dubbed the “Seven Core Principles of Conservatism.”

They are:
individual freedom,
limited government,
the rule of law,
peace through strength,
fiscal responsibility,
free markets, and
human dignity.

He was persuasive. The Republicans amended their bylaws to include Johnson’s seven principles. Yesterday, Johnson told the Examiner’s reporter that he has “big plans” as Speaker to help the conference implement the Seven Core Principles of Conservatism. Wisely declining to delve into specifics, Johnson plans to unveil his vision for the conference’s future at a Thursday morning meeting.

I don’t believe in the “Superman” theory of government. That said, so far I really like what I see about Mr. Johnson. What an unexpected blessing!