Covid Vaccination Data
Periodically I search PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) for “updated” stats. Not trusting that they will convey the truth with their record.
Some time ago they eliminated the “up to date” in the past 6 months category.
Likely due to anemic uptake. Embarrassing and not helping the narrative.
Thus, we are being kept in the dark.
Alberta separately reported that less than 1% has taken the updated shot.
My next search is for known and reported Adverse Events. They say it is low at 0.06% of shots delivered. Most of us hear of cases that are not reported.
The recent case I heard of the A-Fib/stroke after her last shot was not reported as an adverse event. Told it was unrelated and her MD suggested the current shot be given anytime. A high percentage of people are telling me now of a reaction to one of their shots. I guess taking the post shot week off work when all your joints ache is normal. Bleeding out the wazoo at irregular times is normal and accepted as well. Getting a really bad case of Covid after a shot is normal. Crazy world!
Almost every story I hear regarding an event that occurred within a short time period after a shot has not been tied to the shot by their MD. In fact they are told it’s important to keep up to date. I am hearing some tell me that their Doc told them they have had enough. It’s a start.
All of the turbo cancers and sudden deaths are not being registered as from the shot. To be fair some are not likely related. We may never know. It’s the excess deaths that don’t lie.
As seasonal residents are trickling in to the village where I live, I am seeing dramatic changes in their physical appearances. Facial blotchiness, weight gain and they relate how they are not feeling energetic. I know we are all getting older but this is dramatic. No talk of Covid.
I expect I will hear stories of how so and so got Cancer or died suddenly.
It is demoralizing that the coverup and lies are continuing even as the vast majority know the shots did not stop transmission or stop infection.
I will be investigating getting hearing aids in the future as the damage is increasing when I hear them yell, “I’m not getting anymore Shots!”.
I will be searching for Flu shot uptake soon. Not sure if PHAC will report on those numbers. I believe a new class of anti-vaxxers has evolved.
Keep up the surveilance Columbia
There was a study showing 30% have adverse reactions …from mild to extreme