Public schools once stuck to teaching the 3 Rs of readin’, writin’ and ’rithmetic. But the creation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1953 began the federal takeover of public schools (as well as health and charity). This accelerated when education left the group and became a solo act in 1979. The result 44 years later is not only can Johnny not read but Johnny cannot figure out if he is a boy or a girl.

College of course is the major indoctrination camp. From their cells in hell, Mao and Stalin marvel at communists in America succeeding in having the victims pay to be indoctrinated.

It is a great system. Students pay their Democrat puppeteers as much as they can and then borrow more money to give them. Then the Democrats will forgive those loans and keep power because of the gratitude of those they misled.

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