If it is true that only 2% of eligible Americans are up to date on their poison shot, it is quite possible that the Awakened and the Centre have had a positive influence on the Branch. (While I am pleased, I find it difficult to believe that the number is so low. It’s still early in the Respiratory illness season)

Since the Legacy Media is controlled by our Governments, those who still watch TV are bombarded by the Narrative. I know many Centre people who will NEVER TAKE ANOTHER SHOT but appear to believe the fear porn that is constantly fed them daily (masking). If we want to win this battle, we need to counter this BS and continually point out the obvious as in the chronic sicknesses, sudden deaths, turbo cancers, etc. If we don’t, the Government will use these people to attack us again. How many times were you threatened by these cretins who wished you dead or in a camp among other indignities.

I do it in stores, crowds and will have a great time this Winter on the captive mkt of a 10 min chairlift ride. I am polite. I know that if we loose, the rest of my life will be hell.

Same goes for Net-Zero. Pleasantly surprised that possibly 70% already see through the BS of man-made Climate Change. I am against the pollution of the air, soil and water and not wasting resources.