War is dirty. It is ugly. It is brutal and horrific in almost every way. Nothing about the act of people killing perfect strangers up close and personal as they cry and beg to keep their lives is normal. But when there is pure hatred and deep resentments involved it can somehow be justified since many seem to agree that those who are killed are no better than animals. So the narrative goes at least….

But that’s just bullshit and we all know it.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the mantra we were actually brought up on. Remember that? We used to be a Christian nation in the America’s. We called ourselves one. We felt superior clothed in our good nature, philosophy and convictions of fairness to others. Not anymore it seems. Lately there are too many people chanting for the execution of others. They call for the death of Russians and Palestinians. They call for perfect strangers to be brutalized to avenge the hurt of a war that is not even their war.

And while singing these little songs about revenge they regale us with all the video proof of why they are righteous and why the others should be hanged, tortured, tied up, shot, raped or beaten to a pulp. Have we gone completely mad in this country? The spirit of revenge is clearly a strong one. But the medicine prescribed as a remedy is totally barbaric.

If you are like me you will find the time to turn off your TV and the internet news feeds before this obvious agenda to desensitize us to extreme violence has consumed our very souls. What are among the most horrible and abhorent crimes commit by people at any time in history are becoming standard fare on the news feeds lately. We consume and internalize the sounds and imagery just like any other news. Some people however seem totally unaware of the extreme damage being done to them on a psychic level by merely consuming this kind of material every day. Nor do they get why this kind of news fosters hatred and feelings of violence in our own hearts.

This is all part of the ongoing spiritual attack on humanity. What is clearly abhorant and sick is being normalized. What used to be deviant has become mundane. What we used to aggressively fight against has become so routine it no longer raises our temperature, let alone a single eyebrow. Chopping off babies heads, the rape of infants, the brutalization of women and seniors and the torture of soldiers are just some of the stuff that passes as ordinary news recently. And its meant to create feelings within us such that we no longer see it as strange.

So we stop fighting against injustices. And we become passive while the aggressors carry out the deeds.

But we can fight back against this attack.

It starts by not watching the violence being promoted so heavily by news outlets. Just shut it off and give yourself some room to live normally such that you are not being spiritually assaulted. I am not saying go back to sleep. Bad stuff has always been happening though. But we did not have to deal with it full time and shoved in our faces on every 24/7 live stream platform nor propagated endlessly across all the internet such that there is no space for a refuge for our minds anymore.

That’s why I am tuning out the news from Israel. No more. I had enough! We viewers are being manipulated and abused by the severity of the stories. And we are being misdirected in the process. Its just that its taking more severe stories and harsher atrocities to get our attention anymore. So the cruelty levels have been turned up to maximum. I encourage all of you to keep your sanity and try to understand what is being done to us individually in the process.

These numbing stories are victimizing the viewers.

And it leaves us weaker so that we don’t fight back anymore.