Just as “Stand with Ukraine” is losing it’s shine as the last Current Thing, we are being entertained and distracted by “Stand with Israel”. The recurring “Thing” that is still in the background is the clownish “Climate Change/Net-zero/Depopulation Event which is being exposed as unworkable and needs to take a rest before revamping up the rhetoric again. Must be lots of evil stuff going on in the background that they want us to forget for while we concentrate on Israel.

The underlying Fear quotient is ramped up to levels that cause the average mind to forget the last event. The “Madness of Crowds” by Charles MacKay is a good primer for manias and fear.

War is never a great option. The innocent civilians are the victims and have little input into their fate as those in the background benefit in various ways. More maimed civilians and military pawns.
(This sure looks like a False Flag Event as in it was allowed to happen. Sure has the smell of the US Deep State)