The Court of Appeal of Alberta acquitted pastor Tracy Fortin and her Church in the Vine in Edmonton of COVID-related convictions from April of 2022.

In another “complete victory” court ruling in favor of one’s right to practice their faith uninhibited, an Alberta pastor and her church will no longer have to pay $80,000 in COVID health fines after an appeals court acquitted them of three obstruction convictions made under the province’s Public Health Act 

On Monday, the Court of Appeal of Alberta acquitted pastor Tracy Fortin and her Church in the Vine of Edmonton, Alberta, of their COVID convictions. Those convictions came in April of 2022 after Fortin allegedly prevented an Alberta public health officer from accessing the church during a religious service to see if they were complying with COVID dictates. 

The overreaching Alberta court ruling concerning COVID mandates in the province saw a judge rule that politicians violated the province’s health act by?making decisions?regarding COVID mandates without authorization.