I bet you didn’t have this next development on your 2023 bingo card. It’s so remarkable that I’m going to show you three of yesterday’s headlines. First, the New York Times:

So. Trump’s useless border wall is, apparently, back, and is more useful than ever. The story started on Wednesday, when multiple outlets reported that the Biden administration issued an emergency notice waiving 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction to immediately resume in South Texas. DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated in the notice, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.”

You don’t say.

I’ll note without further comment that the bizarre, controversial DHS border action came less than a week after Elon Musk tweeted his own trip to the border. The announcement also proved that we’re fully into election season now which, while good news for America’s border, is horrible news for Ukraine’s border problem.

It also came after the Biden administration’s January 20th, 2021, proclamation to terminate Trump’s border wall project, which then stated, “building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution.” Then President Peters seriously ordered $300 million in border construction supplies to be auctioned off at pennies on the dollar.

In response to the news, pro-immigrant leftists predictably went berserk. They must have known that was coming. I’m guessing Team Biden believed that his support is down to the maniacal 35% of democrats who’d vote for him no matter what, and now it’s time to “pivot” to the center.

Or, Biden won’t be running and they might as well take the hit now. But it wasn’t well-planned. Super-diverse Biden press secretary Karine something-or-other was hardest hit, stumbling to explain the latest move.


The move raises the intriguing question, what next? Will Biden make Mexico pay for the wall?T