Dear Friend of Freedom,

You have an opportunity to register for the landmark Vaccine Travel Mandate mootness hearing being held at the Federal Court of Appeal on October 11, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. EDT.


In October of 2021, the Government of Canada announced that anyone travelling by air, train, or ship, must receive the required number of Covid vaccines to travel. The travel ban prevented approximately 6 million Canadians (15 percent of Canada’s population) who chose not to get injected from travelling within Canada and from flying out of Canada. In response, the Honourable Brian Peckford, the Honourable Maxime Bernier, and others filed constitutional challenges to these travel mandates, which violated their Charter right to travel freely within Canada, and to leave and re-enter Canada freely.

As you know, Justice Gagne of the Federal Court struck down their Application on October 20, 2022. Justice Gagne declared that the Application was moot, stating that she felt a public five-day hearing would be a waste of court resources and that there was no important public interest in hearing the case. This mootness ruling was based on a June 14, 2022, Government of Canada announcement to suspend the mandatory vaccination requirement for domestic travellers.

In the same news release, however, the Government of Canada threatened to reinstate the requirements, stating, “The Government of Canada will not hesitate to make adjustments based on the latest public health advice and science to keep Canadians safe. This could include an up-to-date vaccination mandate at the border, the reimposition of public service and transport vaccination mandates, and the introduction of vaccination mandates in federally regulated workplaces in the fall, if needed.”

Responding to this mootness decision, lawyer Allison Pejovic, counsel for Mr. Peckford, Mr. Bernier and five other Canadians challenging the Vaccine Travel Mandate, stated, “We are very disappointed with this decision of the Federal Court, because all Canadians deserve to know whether these violations of Charter rights and freedoms were justified on medical and scientific grounds. Federal policies that could be re-introduced at any time without warning cannot fairly be characterized as moot.”

Ms. Pejovic further stated, “The federal government’s threat to reinstate the travel mandate should have been the deciding factor for the Federal Court to hear this case rather than dismiss it as moot. The public interest in this case is staggering. Canadians need to know whether it is lawful for their own federal government to prevent them from travelling across Canada or from leaving the country based upon whether they have taken a novel medication.”

The mootness appeal will occur at the Federal Court of Appeal on October 11, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. EDT via Zoom.

By registering, you can express to the Federal Court of Appeal that there is, in fact, public interest in hearing this case on its merits. Please register as soon as possible, before registration closes.


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