Edit : Thanks for this Peter ..This is a must !


Nothing like this has ever happened in world history. The entire American media is bought off. The entire media is owned by Big Pharma.

Think of this in terms of World War II. Can you imagine if Hitler and Nazi Germany had bought off the U.S. media? If everyone in the media was paid for silence. And so, no one ever reported on the Holocaust. Imagine that.

This is exactly what’s happening right now. Millions around the world have died, or are dying directing from the side effects of the Covid vaccine…and tens of millions have been injured, crippled, or disabled by the Covid jab.

But the media won’t report on it. The media refuses to connect the dots.

So, tell me…as more and more Americans die…as more and more become disabled…who will do the work? Who will protect our society with not enough cops, fireman, or military? Who will treat all the sick and dying if there aren’t enough doctors, or nurses? How will we pay for all the disabled? For all the orphans?

It’s happening right now. But this massive die-off is happening in total silence. It’s a complete media blackout.