Are you seeing Vax injuries increasing? or stay steady?
I lost one healthy friend to a brain bleed. Yes, he was fully jabbed at the request of his wife. He was a Centre person. Nice man.
I’ve witnessed those who’ve had three+ shots continually come down with what they say is Covid. They can’t seem to shake it. Others have told me the same.
A few people have told me directly of their Adverse Event. All went away except the weight gain/Lack of energy. Some have neuropathies.
Recent stats show 1 in 800 has a serious Adverse Event. I am no longer in touch with more than 30-40 people from my past. The rest I have no idea how they have fared.
I do hear from others regarding their friends.
The average person is probably in the same situation as we have all distanced ourselves from past friendships due to differences of opinion and the division of the country by The Turd. Many are still working from home, so I hear. Contact is reduced.
So I live through reports on Substack and hearing first hand through others.
All I can say with certainty. The shots have really degraded the 3+ jabber’s immune system. I guess the deaths will follow if the spike protein is as deadly as some say.
How many more times will I have to tell you that this ‘immune escape’ pandemic will not have a happy ending? Geeert Vanden Bossche
Start with the paragraph before the conclusion. Then — if you want the detailed science start over from the beginning. Helps in trying to understand….
” the weight gain/Lack of energy”
Picked up some of that even without the jabs.
Suspecting that was from the Jan 2020 Wuhan bug.
… with you on losing contact with many, but that started after 2016 and more so after 2020, not due to covid itself.
As for adverse events …
Frankly, I’m surprised that I haven’t heard of anyone in my LARGE extended family that has taken a back seat due to these. Contact isn’t routine, but usually I do catch word eventually.
Quality control of the vaxxes was poor. Some batches are deadly. Some batches are saline.
The numbers, based on current data analysis:
1. Roughly 30% of the vaxxed have zero side effects or issues. They ended up with the “saline” batches. Like Pfizer staff all got these batches.
2. Roughly 4.3% or 1:23 have significant side effects. It is not 1:800, it is much worse than that at 1:23. This is based on European govt published data, to date.
Assuming 80% of the US population got vaxed = 300 million. So 20% or 60 million are unvaxxed and 30% or 90 million have no side effects whatsover. In total 50% of the population should have no issues whatsoever.
The issue is the 4.3% of 300 million = 13 million have significant side effects. Or 3.6% of the total population or 1:27, have ongoing significant health problems.
Is this enough to be noticeable. That is, just a statistic, after the net migration in from the southern border?
I certainly am noticing that several young friends and associates are missing work frequenty for 2 or 3 days here and there …even in the summer
The Fatigue and brain fog thing affected me as well
Shedding is a real thing
BUT…I have Ivermectin
I take a dose with zinc when I am feeling fatigue and next DAY I feel much much better
Try a smokers nicottine patch Fully. It has shown excellent results apparently. Some people clear their brain fog in just a few days and it does not return. Or start smoking for a week if thats cheaper. The other way is nicottine gum.
Most of what I hear regarding an Adverse Event is from a stranger. It comes up in conversation.
I would never know unless they opened up. It’s a personal matter to most and unless they feel comfortable, they would not tell me of their experience. I’m up on all the info that the experts are exposing in rapid succession but I’m not seeing the worst of the effects first hand.
The first time a stranger just came out with her “injury” was when I was signing the papers for a new car. I must have said something about side effects of the shot. She proceeded to tell me about her heavy periods and those of her friends. She assumed I was a MD from my Credit Card.
I couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed or not after I told he I work on the opposite end. We had a good discussion. SHE’S NOT TAKING ANYMORE!
Of the people I engage on a regular basis, most took no shots but they are related to many who took two to “get it done”. I still believe the uptake for the latest will be as dismal as the last 6 month uptake. So I hear anecdotal reports. I am sheltered from most of what is going on.
I do hear of the revolving Covid curse of the multi-shotted from others.
I’m going cycling for a few days with an old friend next week. He and his wife have every shot offered. He told GMG last year that he was very sick from Covid after catching it at Costco from someone not wearing a mask. How does one respond to that statement without calling him a complete idiot? I do need some friends for when this ends. He had at least 4 by that time and possibly as many bouts with Covid or other Respiratory illness.
I still have friends who are NOT TAKING ANY MORE who are still hooked on testing everyday after being exposed to a “Covid” case. Testing and no symptoms! When will they wake up. Again these are people that I cycle with and can’t afford to slough them off.
We visited a roadside farm stand the other day. After a comment by me it was quite evident that he was one of us regarding Covid, Net-Zero and the WEF. How could I tell? He was Eastern European and kept a well managed property likely after lots of hard work. We had a great conversation.
He left Ceausescu’s Romania as a young man. Came to the freedom of Canada. “Never in my wildest dreams would I believe Canada would go down this road”. None of his extended family took the shots. They all avoided Covid for the most part. He is naturally wary of government. Smart man.
I say it’s those who came from life experiences that taught them to think it through who will stand up. The 3rd or 4th Generation Canadians are too comfortable and fall victim to the “current thing”.
My Rant for the day.
What the hell does your credit card say on it? Just curious! Or was it your large avalable balance that impressed that lady?