At the dog park:
Was speaking with a practicing Dentist regarding BC Bill 36 which could force all Healthcare practitioners to take any and all shots that they require to maintain the right to practice in BC. Depends upon the individual’s regulatory College. Some may, some may not. She does not want any more shots. She was a Centre person but now has joined our side especially since hearing about the what transpired below.

We got talking about Adverse Events from the shots. In her social circle a lawyer friend was asked to defend one of the Health Authorities in the Lower Mainland regarding a shot injury that injured a young man so that he’s in a wheelchair for life.
During the prep work for pre-trail, he could not produce evidence to defend his client. He’s now of the opinion that the defendant should settle out of court. He reviewed past and recent cases. The numbers are growing as people are waking up and law firms smell the blood. Their law firm will only take on the injured as clients if they feel there is merit. He was a Centre person but is now awakened and scared shitless for his health down the road as he took a few for the Team before investigating the consequences.

Very soon we should be hearing on TV, “Did you or a loved one………..”

All the info is out there and will be used against our Health authorities, businesses who forced the shot and the PHO’s across the county. Last I heard 1/800 had an serious adverse event. Only the ones affecting income and enjoyment of life could come to trial initially before the Class Action lawsuits sweep up the rest. If this all comes to pass before the IHR’s at the WHO are voted upon, we may have dodged a bullet.

It sucks to be the Dr Bonnies and Teresa Tams’s of the world.