From JC

Well, well, well; what have we here? Speaking of cognitive impairment, the Hill ran an eyebrow-raising article yesterday headlined, “Five Democratic alternatives if President Biden exits the 2024 race.” How about that?

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The Resident mouth breather.
The Hill began its article glumly noting that, “Democrats are fretting about President Biden’s low approval ratings, exacerbated by widespread concerns about his age. Those factors seem to be getting worse rather than better.”

Haha, that’s exactly what C&C said earlier this week. For once, we agree with the Hill! Everybody take a drink.

The article forced readers to wade through a long, rambling, mind-numbing description of each potential candidate, kind of like one of those ‘slideshow’ click-bait stories. But it was worth it; the list provided so much comedic material I didn’t even need to come up with anything funny of my own.

I promise I am not making this up. Here it is, in all its political glory, the list of the “top” five democrat presidential candidates, apart from the mumbler-in-chief, that the Hill could scrape up from the bottom of the democrat septic-tank evacuation barrel:

Kamala Harris

Gavin Newsom

Pete Buttigieg, if you can believe it

Gretchen Whitmer, even more unbelievably

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, laugh as hard as you want now

The Hill’s article was a goldmine of joke material, but the final section on AOC was the best. About the former bartender, 34, the Hill admitted that “centrist members of the Democratic Party argue she is unelectable in a national election.” Haha! But, argued the Hill optimistically, an AOC campaign “would be electrifying to fans and detractors alike.”

Electrifying! Sure, it would be like watching the Super Bowl comfortably seated in a prison-style electric chair. Zap!

No wonder the rumor this week is Michelle Obama and Hilary Clinton are both considering taking a run at the office. Given that cognitively-impaired lineup, why not?