“Simple Joe”
He is both, Stupid & Corrupt! Let that be the way he is greeted for the rest of his life. Not just for his few remaining days in office but until he ceases to exist. Let everyone who sees him anywhere greet him with the words “Simple Joe”. Let that be shouted from every rooftop in America. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/simple-joe-bidens-biggest-fear-being-perceived-stupid-according-biographer
“When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It’s only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid.” — Ricky Gervais quotes from Quotefancy.com
True, good quote.
The opening scene from “Idiocracy”.
I used to laugh, now realize that it foretold our future.
According to an article published yesterday — Brandon’s greatest fear is that people will think he is stupid — so the crowd should be shouting “stupid” at every opportunity!