It was all for nothing. Really, for nothing. The miseries we inflicted on ourselves after March 2020 — the school closures, the ruined businesses, the debts, the authoritarianism — were caused by a moment of lightheaded panic.

How can I be so sure? Because, three-and-a-half years on, the results are in. And, let me warn you, they make dismal reading for anyone who went along with the lockdowns. You see, there was a counterfactual all along. Sweden did not impose mask mandates or stay-at-home orders. It did not close its borders or its businesses. Other than banning large meetings, it carried on as normal and told people to use their common sense.

Internationally, Swedes were portrayed as gamblers defying the scientific consensus. But it was they who were following the epidemic protocols drawn up by the WHO in cooler-headed times — protocols that never contemplated the mass immobilization of the population.

The rest of the world embarked on an experiment; Sweden was the control. And the leaders of other countries knew it at the time. Hence their resentment of that stolid, sensible social democracy.