As Simon Marcus wrote in his excellent articles, propaganda, is very powerful and works on influencing the herd.

I don’t have the opportunity to speak with youth about what they believe regarding Covid, Ukraine, Trans culture and Net-Zero. They are brainwashed by agenda taught in schools. When I was a student, I mostly went along to get along. Didn’t want to rock the boat. Likely a typical attitude. Herd mentality.

While the vast majority of adults have come to some realization about the lies concerning Covid, Ukraine, Trans and Net-zero, it is the youth captured in the public school system who we need to protect from the powerful influence of the WEF and other alphabet organizations as they will comprise a growing percentage of the population as time goes by.

Recapturing the School Boards, Local Councils and putting pressure on Faith based organizations to speak up may be the only way to prevent the surge of brainwashed individuals coming up through society. Bring back the importance of Family.

If Covid was a trial run and the narrative has now failed, Net-Zero leading to totalitarian control will have an uphill battle to conquer the minds of the adults with some real world experience. It’s the next generation that I’m worried about. Let’s break the spell!

PS: In the late 60’s I still remember the scare about another ice age coming back. As a child it was terrifying. I believed the teachers and the media. I was brainwashed.