A Single Demographic Group Is Keeping the Democrats Competitive

IT’S THE F**KING KARENS Who are keeping the Democraps in Power

This is a stunning revolation…must read

Many of us tend to think of “single women” as a young demographic group, but the truth is that we now have millions upon millions of older “cranky Karens” in our society.

And when they aren’t happy they will definitely tell you about it.

Of course there are millions of other older women that are absolutely delightful. But it turns out that very, very few of the women in that group are liberal.

Abortion is always one of the top political issues for liberal women. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research, a whopping 62 percent of all U.S. women disapproved of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade…

This is one of the main reasons why single women are so drawn to Democratic candidates.

They want to be able to have sex with anyone that they want and then dispose of any unwanted babies afterwards.
