Vax, Gold, US Dollar
This is a good interview with Ed Dowd. I will try to summarize some of Ed’s views:
1) Cancer rates are climbing due to vax this will continue to cause problems in economy
2) Be out of the stock market (in all things) because a deleveraging event will take down everything including gold. Buy after the deleveraging happens.
3) BRICS currency is not a threat to dollar…just posturing. If there is any threat to the dollar it will be from it going too high.
4) The raising of interest rates was probably to crash asset prices so they could be bought up for pennies on the dollar.
5) COVID allowed the system to be reinflated.
6) Alien threat could be used to reinflate again.
Thanks Goldcreek. Much appreciate a summary . So many important pieces . So little time
I agree with all of it. Later this week I will bring a chart showing the market is going to crash in 2024 and again in 2025. Not a little crash either. It will be epic and painful. Its all on the chart already and easy to understand. At that time the dollar will take off skyward since money always runs somewhere. It does not ever sit still though but moves in volumes when there is trouble.
Don’t overlook this potential. SPX 1500 zone. Retag of VLT channel.
Market crashlet (correction) is beginning today. Its the real deal as far as I can tell. Markets should fall for a few months followed by wimpy feeble Christmas rally and then next spring KABOOM! Sorry to see silver down 2% today. But that was obviously coming based on the chart so we were not surprised here at the Tent. Its good to be technical!