Whatever his flaws, Nayib Bukele is refusing to promote the Deep State’s woke, globalist ideology. And for that, he’s been targeted for removal. The CIA simply does not want a long-serving vassal state to go rogue.

Corrupt Western media outlets are following a well-known playbook amid the rise in popularity of El Salvador’s 41-year-old pro-life conservative president, Nayib Bukele, who has a 90 percent approval rating.

Like Donald Trump before him, Bukele rose to power on a wave of populist support. He is perhaps most loved by his people (and equally hated by the Deep State) for jailing over 60,000 gang members that were threatening the stability of his 6.6 million-person country. As a result of his law-and-order policies, crime in El Salvador has reportedly reached historic lows.

For putting the safety of his people first, Bukele has been given the honor of being smeared by a growing number of left-wing news organizations in the U.S. Bukele is “[taking] steps that eat away at the country’s democracy,” the Associated Press groaned recently. “El Salvador’s authoritarian president is becoming a regional role model,” an article from The Economist published in March lamented. “That is dangerous for democracy and human rights.”
