A deep dive from Yakk’s Stack . This guy is a great Analyst and he has uncovered some more proof that Health Canada KNEW the side effects were very serious but continued to push the vaxx anyhow . Even if you are getting burned out and oversaturated with Vaxx Facts…This one is worth your time IMO .

Yakk has analysed data and findings of a Government Sposored group we never heard of called The Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS), funded by Canadian Taxpayer Money, to study the Adverse Events – Specifically from the COVID Vaccinations.




Personally I am thanking my Instincts for not getting jabbed even more now as I had this thing very early on . I kept thinking and saying…If I already had covid why do I need a “vaccine” I have natural immunity…but “They” kept saying no you dont …vaccine immunity is better .” BUT I noticed they never actually tested for antibodies after the vaxx . Why Not ? How do you know if you have immunity if you never test for immunity ?


“Whatever shred of trust you had in the Canadian Health Care community has finally dissolved…They knew all along…and still persisted”