The theme of the article is that this Supreme Ruling against race based admissions in Harvard and all other Universities and causing a lot of Strife between 2 “Liberal” Demographics….so we should just stand back and watch them canabilize eachother

It’s Now Black vs Yellow apparently with a little Brown thrown ito the mix and confise things

What a Primitive Society we have here where the amount of melonin in ones skin is the source of so much hate and angst.

It appears that the wrong Homo Species won out all those centruies ago

Probably would have been better it the Neanderthals Kicked our ass.


In another sign that the leftardians are at war with eachother now…apparently some Stop Oil Now Retards had a sit in in front of the LGBTQ “parade ” in one Lib City.

This is how they destroy eachother

Same thing with the French Anarchists…Young Immigrants destroying “Libral” Paris and Marseilles

All we Conservatives need to do is watch them destroy eachother and then offer those who are sick of it some refuge

Soon Europe will be solidly “Far” Right