If you read this piece it will go a long way in helping you understand what just happened in Russia. The West just got suckered and they don’t even know it yet.


Operation Bagration, 1944
The 1944 Operation Bagration in Belarus applied the strategic aims and objectives on a grand scale,[21] to deceive the Germans about the scale and objectives of the offensive.[53] The historian Paul Adair commented that “Once the Stavka had decided upon the strategic plan for their 1944 summer offensive [Bagration], they began to consider how the Germans could be deceived about the aims and scale of the offensive… the key to the maskirovka operation was to reinforce the German conviction that operations would continue along this [southern] axis”.[54]
In particular, the Stavka needed to be certain that the Germans believed the main Soviet attack would be in the south. The Soviet plan successfully kept the German reserves doing nothing south of the Pripyat marshes until the battle to the north in Belorussia had already been decided.[55] Stavka succeeded in concealing the size and position of very large movements of supplies, as well as of forces including seven armies, eleven aviation corps and over 200,000 troop replacements.