The latest report from the Independent Special Interlocutor on Unmarked Graves recommends introducing criminal sanctions against those who engage in “residential school denialism”. Attorney General David Lametti stated on the record that he would be in favour of “outlawing denialism”
You Canucks are in serious, serious trouble.
But remember, it is always darkest just before the lights go out.
Well, indeed we are. And so are “You Yanks” it seems.
“You Yanks”……as much as I dislike Turdo and Tam and that bitch Bonnie Henry, and yes also Biden and Fauci and Deborah Birx and Rochelle Walinsky etc etc, I would not slap all Americans with a label like that. Both countries have plenty of idiots who keep voting these morons into power, but there are also those on both sides of the border who are furious about the incessant bullshit that we have been subjected to and are fighting as hard as we can to restore democracy. If we are to support one another on this forum in our quest for justice and fighting the WEF agenda, please can we leave the mocking tonality out of it?
Have to agree GMG…well stated
boomer btw is a Dual Citizen…US and Canada ..SO