Some Objective Thoughts On Alien Visits
It is interesting how people get all extreme on both sides regarding the possibility of alien visits and craft. I remain open and objective on the topic. I don’t know, nor worry, about the subject. Given we have heard stories and rumors since at least the Rosewell incident, I keep an open mind that it is quite possible even likely we have had visitors. If aliens with superior technology chose to harm us they probably would have done so by now, which is why I don’t worry about it. I also don’t think it is impossible, even with superior technology, that over centuries and possibly large numbers of visitations, one or more craft could have run out of fuel, experienced a malfunction and or chose to land and for whatever reason never left again. Along that vein, why is it impossible that our or some other government, if it came upon such a craft wouldn’t put their best scientific minds to work trying to reengineer the technology to learn how it worked. So far, nothing outrageous here. Not saying it has happened, but more likely, than not. As far as addressing government revelations about past such incidents there have been a number of past Presidents who have hinted and said they were going to release more info on the subject only to be held back by the deep state/military. It isn’t because they don’t want to scare the public(that would only come into play if an actual alien invasion were coming and avoiding panic were the issue.) The reason is to save any disclosures because of their newsworthiness, to serve as a distraction from some political bombshell regarding an incumbent administration. That is why this latest news was probably leaked now. The Hunter Biden stuff(FBI releasing the document) is breaking and they want the media and the public focusing on something else.