Reality is offensive to these people. It is you who will face consequences for trifling actions, whilst their large-scale devastation and plunder goes unpunished.

There is a common thread to the World Economic Forum, the neoconservatives, the techno-futurists, and their transgender post-human bedfellows. That thread is the projection of personal fantasy into the world, assuming political and legal power – including coercion, humiliation, and force. 

The founder of the Club of Rome, Maurice Strong, shares with John Kerry a messianic self-belief. These beliefs, as in Strong’s case, are infused with New Age fantasies. Klaus Schwab has his “Magic Mountain” at Davos, and his homosexual acolyte Yuval Noah Harari peddles some of the most fantastical science fiction in the public domain.

These people believe in themselves and nothing much else. A fervent conviction that their fantasies are a manifesto for human emancipation, they look to technology for the means of realizing their make-believe. These people are grandiose. Their manifesto is a delusion combined with the power to destroy. Ultimately, they have contempt for anything that is not themselves.
