For a While there it looked like the end of the Financial World was Nigh

Raging Inflation
5% Interest rates and rising
Major Bank Failures and Bailouts
Monumental Fraud in the shadow Banking System ( FTX)
Debt Ceiling Drama
Stocks looking ready to Fall
Gold new all time highs
Everybody predicting a Hard Landing and soon

But Today all is rosey as far as the eye can see

Strong Jobs is the word
Uniparty passes the bill to keep the Can Moving for 2 more years .
Headlines are shouting No recession
Everybody got used to Inflation ( yesterdays news)
The Business Cycle is a myth
Stock market Rallies Onward…New recent highs every sector…except Gold ( of course)
No more talk of bank Failures or
All the Fraud ala FTX
Gold languishes
Gold Stocks SUCK
War fatigue sets in..who gives a rats ass about a bunch of teenaged mentality maniacs who love their big Toys



JMHO but Did the Republicans actually “LOOSE” THE Debt Ceiling negotiations ?

Most Right wing comentators and analysts think YES

BUT…by Nov 2024 …things are likely going to get a lot worse with the unlimited spending the Dems have secured.