A non-profit organization called the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) boasts that their mission is to “raise funds for and make grants to the disruptive nonviolent climate movement.” This effort has been extraordinarily successful.

In 2022 alone, they gave away $5.1 million to 44 “ultra-ambitious” groups. Many of these groups are in the business of illegal vandalism, and some are most definitely not “non-violent”.

I highly recommend reading the CEF’s 2022 annual report to truly understand how CEF is funding illegal activities designed to disrupt governments and industry alike. My question is -how can this organization maintain their non-profit status, as by all appearances, they are financing illegal activities (image below is from their annual report). Note this section freely admits that they are “deploying” funds to go to the “boldest, more effective” (illegal) activities, such as destroying works of art).

Well, as I read their statement below, the Climate Emergency Fund states that they are basically a money laundering organization: they take donations, then they take the risk for laundering the money (donations) to their favorite organization – which then conducts illegal activity, for which CEF then asserts no knowledge of – that is, until they brag about it in their annual report or on their website (or see the images above), all the while again claiming that they only fund “legal and eligible” activities.
