“Europe is lost! They also want us to be lost. In order to fight, we must be patriotic. If we are parasitic in the mind — the mind of a parasite — there’s no way you can fight. That’s how you become a prostitute. Because you fear sacrifice, you fear difficulties, and somebody says I will give you money if you become a prostitute. Those who like an easy life end up as prostitutes. And that’s what they want us to be. They want Africa to be prostitutes, doing what we don’t believe in, because we want money.”

This is a quOte from the President of Uganda with regards to Brandon and his Cretins sanctioning the country immediately after they passed a law ordering the death penalty to child rapists !

The story , from Jeff Childers , is in the first comment …stad by


My new pronouns are You Ganda

My Flag ( is that Roadrunner ? )

Hey Farmer…Kenya weigh in on Uganda ?