I think This Tweet and accompanying Video and especially the comments are Very Important as a monitor of where we are as a society on the Tranny Pedo Grooming Issue.

There was a sellout croud at the Rogers Center in Toronto TONIGHT for the ballgame with the Brewers.

Anthony Bass a Veteran Relief Pitcher for the Jays ( a middle of the road player) has been the center of a contreversy for a couple of days !

His Sin ? He shared a video on his social media which was encouraging the Boycotts of Bud and Target .

Note he shared it while at Target Field in Mineapolis on the weekend where Bud Lite is the Sponsor.

Anyhow the Team asked him to apologize. He did make a short statement to the press and then said NO Questions and has remained silent.

So he has been skewered in the Sports media by ALL of the Paid shills who work for the Team and are Leftardians through and through

Much ink was spilled over this egregious slander of the poor LGBTYUIOPJ++@ 2 Community…and Horror of horrors ..Rather than release him ….THEY let him pitch tonite on the eve of Pride Month !

Apparenlty Inclusion does not include YOU if you have a different opinion

Anyhow…So…I was certain that when he came in from the Bullpen to pitch the 9th inning he would get Booed mercelessly .

However a funny thing happened on the way to the mound !

Watch this 1 minute clip and form your own conclusion…The author of the tweet is a member of the Uber Woke Toronto Sports Press and he claims Bass was Booed

Then look at the comments …90% supportive of Mr Bass !


To me this is a watershed Moment

Baseball Players get a LOT of money to play the game and are relucant to speak out.

Most are Staunch Conservatives from Small Rural Towns and Latin America and other Countries with Family Values and Most are Christian ( as evidenced by their pointing to the sky when they perform well on the field )

I think this will encourage more of them to come out and say how they feel and to demand their teams stop all this Social Warrior BS…like supporting BLM and ANTIFA and Tranny Nuns and Drag and all that crap.

I am pleasantly surprsed at all the support Bass got from Toronto Blue jay Fans. This dipshit sports jurnalist thought he could convince his followers that there was Booing…I heard a LOUD chorus of Cheering …how about You ?

Some went so far as to say that any booing was because he caved.

Anyhow it’s not often we get to hear the real story of how people feel about a Woke Issue.

This incident and this video are an important marker IMHO

It’s like the Trucker Freedom Rally in Ottawa

before this incredible event it seemed like 99% were on team Turd

Turned out there was a massive pent up backlash just waiting to be released

Its times like these that turn the tide !!

Keep up the Pressure..and don’t back down