The evidence is clear that the FED didn’t just stumble into wrecking the economy. It was a clear choice knowing that they milked the current fiat, multi trillion dollar debt scheme for as long as they could, before it’s inevitable end. Soon they will have to make a choice.  Door #1 is what most would expect given the FED’s history and their desire to keep control. That choice is introduction of their CBDC and UBI to gain the acceptance of the masses when their paper currency becomes totally worthless. Door #2 is going back to the Constitution and using gold and silver as money. Before they choose they might try an interim measure that would just delay but not replace the ultimate choice of either 1 or 2. They could try another short lived drop of interest rates back towards just above zero, that would stabilize things for maybe a few months, but likely lead to an explosion of prices.(hyperinflation) Not sure which side would benefit more from that and whether it happens, most likely in an attempt to push the day of reckoning beyond the 2024 election. It  may be too late to get there, before the system collapses.