How a Tragic Story of (COVID VAXX) Loss Reveals the Need for a New Ethical Framework for Managing Health
It’s time for an unearthing of ethics and a reigniting of the moral compass that resides within each one of us, one that can act as a guidance system toward a brighter, more enlightened and more natural future.
Jack Hurn, at just 26 years of age, is settling into his dream life. The shine on Jack’s life starts wearing thin as he begins to deal with pounding headaches. These started just a few days after getting his first COVID-19 injection. But it gets worse, much worse.
The medical system supposedly exists to do good — in the public interest. We know there can be risks inherent in any medical intervention, but interventions are generally selected when an assessment of risk and benefits weighs significantly in favor of the benefit.
That long-standing view no longer applies. What has happened over the last three years has made sure of that.
As the World Health Organization (WHO) further extends its powers under the proposed Pandemic Treaty and the International Health Regulations, individuals will have their right to self-determine their choice of interventions stripped from them, especially under conditions the WHO determines to be a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.”