Don’t Let Them Memory-Hole This
On a video podcast the other day, I made reference to the lockdown orders of March 2020. The host turned off the recording. He said it was fine to talk about this subject but from now on please refer to “the events of March 2020” with no specifics.
Otherwise, it will be taken down by YouTube and Facebook.
Sadly, that seems to be where we headed. In big and small ways, and throughout the culture and the whole world, we are bit by bit being trained to forget and hence not learn and thus repeat the whole thing.
We are seeing a real-time example of how history is really written. The narrative is more self-serving than we knew. If all the power centers in society get something tremendously wrong, an informal conspiracy of silence develops around it, with the hope of just wiping it from the history books.
An article all well and good but I had to quit reading after this.
“It also caused him to lose the presidency, whether because the shock resulted in mass demoralization (this was certainly not a path to making America great again) or because of the mail-in ballots made possible by Covid restrictions, or probably both.”
Sorry, DJT didn’t ‘lose the presidency for a lack of support or his actions toward the perceived threat of the virus. He was robbed and America was robbed.
One day DJT will come out with an explanation of his actions although it will be tough and will primarily benefit his enemies. The truth is – ‘at the moment, it’s what I had to do with the information (lies) I had available’ – at some point when he admits this at a very tactful and opportune time, his ratings will go up biggly. Currently, the biggest thing in his defense that his opponents intentionally omit is that it was about CHOICE not coercion.