Important Article : We have been red pilled to the nth degree here at Goldtent. Our collective eyes have been opened to so many things that were percolating below our awareness as we went about living our lives . Now that we KNOW much more of what has been going on and is NOW going one right out in the Open as if we are living in a Twilight Zone Episode…How do we handle this information and what comes next ?

Jeffrey Tucker ( A SHORT VIDEO ) via the Dissident MD


Problem: We have discovered truths over the past three years that we didn’t know previously. What do we do with this discovery?

Solution: We must psychologically secede from the mainstream of the culture that has been corrupted by nefarious institutions, and redefine ourselves through a consistent expression of our true values.

As Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute explains, in the past we were all living to some degree an “illusory sense of complacency.” What we have learned since 2020 has disrupted our faith in every foundational institution. We have discovered truths that are dark and ugly. Facing them is traumatic, but doing so also provides an opportunity.