Just had a conversation with my neighbor the Undertaker Licencing Board Member who is tuned in to that industry
I told him about Ed Dowd’s discovery regarding Excess Deaths via the insurance industry.
He was unaware of it nor any similar in Canada BUT he did say there is a surprising increase in deaths in the younger population.
He and his Industry are attributing it to The Opiod Scandal . He also notes MSM is silent on the issue
Something we have not accounted for perhaps ? I wonder if Ed Dowd has broken down how much of the excess is due to Opiods…could be a factor in man hours lost as well.
Before i get accused of switching sides…I have No Doubts the vaccines Kill and Maim at a horrific Pace…BUT could this Fentinyl and Other Opioid carnage have been purposely created as well ? Is it getting worse or just the same ?
I really didn’t consider that, but it’s far more obvious an answer to excess deaths and hours lost at work.
Catherine Austin-Fitts said the whole opioid epidemic was started back in the 90s as a way to kill off a whole lot of the population, fentanyl overdoses being just the latest phase in that scheme somehow involving China as the main source of US imports.
But your friend is essentially seeing the same thing as Ed Dowd really: Spike in the younger, working age category. Perhaps it’s not common for many undertakers to ask about cause of death. What’s most interesting about your undertaker friend is that he wasn’t finding any of the long, white blood clots. But I’m of the impression now that there is some significant variation among vaccine lots and doses due to variations in manufacturing and also probably intentional variation or experimentation in toxic contents. This could possibly explain why Dr. Cole found no graphene oxide in his lot of over a 100 samples and why some analysts found no mRNA in theirs and some have even reported (according to Catherine Austin-Fitts in a recent USA Watchdog interview) large lots of just water.
There’s a lot of mysteries about the vax that I think only the manufacturers can answer with respect to what was in them and when and in what lots. I know people here who have had friends and relatives die from the vax and others who have gotten cancer but also a lot of people who seem normal, even one who’s had 5 doses! So, it looks like variability may be a big part of this evil plan, and some of that variation might not have actually been planned but happened accidentally, like the “spoiling” of vax during mass injection events due to lapses in the cold chain leaving some shots much less toxic than they were intended to be.
I would think though that an undertaker could easily spot an intravenous drug addict by the needle marks on their body assuming they didn’t die of an accidental overdose early on in their addiction. I think the opioid problem has been getting worse due to the greater prevalence of depression during covid.
Ed Dowd eliminated the opioid crises as a significant contributor because the spike in deaths corresponded to a spike in injections just when the mandates came in.
I doubt that the fentanyl crap is responsible for a significant number of increased deaths in youth.
100,000 Americans have died each of the last two years from fentanyl overdoses. Seems pretty consistent, although some increase is tied to the open border, of course.
Think of the number of “youth” vaccinated vs the percentage of “youth” using fentanyl. I think the vax team wins by a mile.
I was asking the same question….what in hell are they putting in the drugs? The addicts are not normal. There is something very fishy afoot. The dope turns them into actual Zombies. It seems to rot out their brains. Never seen anything like it in my life.
I believe you asked a good question. Not so much that the increase in fentanyl deaths is the reason for the overall excess deaths but the administration purposely not really trying to crack down on it coming in from the southern border because it provides a good cover story(in their minds at least) to try and explain away the excess deaths. Much like the CIA cover story Biden ordered up to try and explain away the nordstream pipeline fiasco after Hersch’s excellent documented revelation.It won’t work with anyone who has a brain but the country is filled with many who can’t or won’t think for themselves.
From what I understand the Undertakers record the official cause of death from the death certificate
So now the question is are Opioid deaths really increasing or are they actually perhaps vaccine deaths recorded as opiod deaths ?
I googled what is the cause of death from opioid overdose ”
“Following an opiate overdose, the major cause of morbidity and mortality is due to respiratory depression.”
So if someone dies from a vaxxine induced respiratory depression could it be the Coroners are “encouraged ” to claim Opiod overdose ?
Is this a potential way to mask vaxx deaths…have they fooled even the Undertakers ?
Another link I looked at says the original death cert often states cause Unknown and then is amended to opiod overdose…perhaps to avoid scrutiny from the family who would know no opiods
So the problem is respiratory arrest is the actual cause of death in many of these cases which can be either Opiod triggered or vaxx triggered
Ain’t life grand when you can’t trust any of our institutions. Ask all the questions you want. The answers can’t be trusted, and if answers can’t be trusted, solutions can’t be found.
That hits the nail on the head perfectly Strider. These guys in charge have muddied the waters so badly nobody can see the fish anymore and nobody knows where the bottom of the lake lies. Because they know that when this all comes up for public scrutiny later that nobody will be able to sort it out. Instead its going to get swept under the carpet and forgotten…no lessons will be learned. The public is not wise enough to understand the depth of the deceptions. And those who do understand are up against a wall of disinterest and fatigue.
All our institutions are now corrupt. Bar none. The only solution is dissolution and starting from scratch with new people.
An “Undertaker Licencing Board Member” is likely very different than an “UNDERTAKER” unless he also runs/works in a funeral home. One is hands-on and the other administrative. IF strictly administrative than ALL information will be 3rd hand after it is massaged for narrative. Other than rumours and water-cooler conversations isn’t it possible that he has no real information whatsoever?
Hi K2
To be accurate he was on the Board and ran his own Funeral Home up until a few years ago
Now he works for a Company who has the contracts for hundreds of Funeral Homes across Canada and the USA
He is invloved in hiring and training people who are the ones who answer the phones when someone needs an undertaker
Whichever of the hundreds of Funeral Homes is the one who is getting the call…His Group answers the call and takes the information ( It’s literally the Death Call Center ) …then forwards it to the Funeral Home personel who then take over
His boss ( a friend) hired him because of his connections and experience in the field.
Remember I sent him the original o’Looney video a while back and asked about it
he contacted 3 of his Embalmers and 2 responded
They said Yes they were seeing more fibrous clots …but thought it was during 2020 and early 2021 before widespread vaccines. My guess is they were mistaken about the timing
Anyhow ..I do think he is well connected and has access to a lot of info
My generalized assumption is that vax takers are in the democrat run drink the koolaid parts of the world, while the opoids are heavy into the rural flyover type places. Generalizing, yes. So geographically, WHERE are the excess deaths? Rural OH, WV or Podunk Anywhere …. or in VT, WA, OR, metro cities of the NE? Lets see Excess Death Rates by county, and see if it lines up like the 2016 election map.