Top Universities: Tools of the WEF — The WEFs committee of presidents from the world’s leading universities – The Global University Leaders Forum (GULF)
One of the most unsettling events of the past three years has been the globalized, coordinated messaging of socio-economic missives and policies throughout the world. All of us in the liberty movement have wondered… who is controlling this? How does this happen?
How did the policies of teaching of non-binary genders in schools and the importance of youth “transitioning” spread across world so quickly?
not just to the pandemic policies of masking, mandates and lockdowns, but to climate change, the elimination of gas fueled cars, Agenda 2030, the move to eliminate private ownership items such as autos and housing, digital IDs, digital currency, 15-minute cities, taking away private land for conservation, globalized censorship, etc. not just one country, but across the world.
I don’t remember a period in my life where most of the world governments agreed on so much. Where did these policies originate? Who is co-ordinating them? How did this happen?
Imperial College London on the list.
These were the guys who projected Covid numbers, to panic the global population.
No mistake was made. This was intentional.
The WEFers seem to be the fifth columnists of the whole world. This is what Canadians don’t understand. Trudeau and Freeland serve and implement foreign interests. They are nothing more than fifth columnists, acting like loyal Canadians but secretly destroying and sabotaging the country so their foreign political movement can add Canada to the World Economic Empire. Oil rich Alberta has woken up and gotten organized politically because there the anti-Canadian policies of the WEF are already impoverishing them.
I wonder if in a couple of years companies won’t value a university degree any more than a high school diploma and a couple of years work experience.