Only one vote per IP address and it appears Columbia beat me to it 🙂
So my vote would be DeSantis, but if Trump won the nomination then I’d vote for him. Anything to get the demo-craps gone.
For all those who say they are no longer voting, fine, but do not complain if you get Biden or Kamala again.
I would vote but the option “None of the above” is not available.
now it is
Great thanks!
Only one vote per IP address and it appears Columbia beat me to it 🙂
So my vote would be DeSantis, but if Trump won the nomination then I’d vote for him. Anything to get the demo-craps gone.
For all those who say they are no longer voting, fine, but do not complain if you get Biden or Kamala again.
OK adding your vote
trump will not be nominated……..
He already has won…There is NO one who can touch him…get over it