Prepare to be shocked. Shocked and appalled. The New York Post ran an article yesterday headlined, “Obama Official, Hillary Donors, Improv Actor: Meet SVB’s Board of Directors.” You thought the bank’s woke, sex-obsessed risk manager was bad, wait until you hear THIS. It explains a LOT.

Here are a few of the people who managed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on its 12-member board of directors:

— Kate Mitchell, 64, a Hillary Clinton mega-donor and diversity champion who went to a Shinto shrine to pray after Donald Trump won the White House.

— Mary J. Miller, 67, Obama’s undersecretary of domestic finance before her own run for Baltimore mayor failed spectacularly (her PAC sent an awkward email to potential donors saying her campaign strategy was to target white voters.)

— Garen K. Staglin, 78, a prolific Democrat contributor, including Nancy Pelosi — who owns a Napa Valley vineyard just 15 minutes from the Pelosi’s vineyard.

— Elizabeth “Busy” Burr, 61, who is implementing DEI as the interim CEO of RiteAid, and is a longtime improv actor.

— Former Congressman Barney Frank, 82, who ironically was co-author of the biggest bank security law in history, the Dodd-Frank Act. According to the Boston Herald, Frank has earned $2.4 million since 2014 for his great work on the board.

Want to know how many people with ANY relevant banking experience were on the board? ONE — Tom King, 63, who retired from finance at Barclays Bank in the UK. Of the twelve, only one was under 60, and Frank, the oldest, is 82. The board is 41% female.

All the board members donated to Obama, Clinton, and Biden, as well as to local Democratic congressional reps (including Pelosi), as well as political action committees for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.), a longtime member of the powerful Senate Banking Committee. That was lucky, huh?

That, folks, is how you do it. Get woke, go broke, get bailed out, start over!