Not to be pessimistic but….
I can’t see a way that all of us will not be affected by the deliberate take down of Western Civilization.
There may not be a safe haven in the developed world.
I’m hoping to survive and come through the other side but it’s going to take a long time to recover and it sure won’t look or feel the same when it does.
All pension funds and entitlements are threatened as the push to dependance on UBI is the driving goal of our overlords.
“There may not be a safe haven in the developed world.”
Columbia – I agree and, as most of us cannot afford to flee to Dubai, we individually seek the “safest” place to hide and protect our loved ones in what may become a truly horrific situation.
I don’t perceive that we have even scratched the surface of the pain that is to come. We must not only figure out how to survive the genocidal purge that continues but also navigate a world that is increasingly devoid of moral, ethical, legal and “rules based” standards.
Fleeing to another developed nation is merely jumping from the frying pan into the fire, not to mention that many are already ahead of us in the implementation of totalitarian control.
If this was just one country than there might be alternatives but we are witness to a worldwide coup d’etat that began in 1992 (Rio De Janeiro Earth Summit). There is a lot of planning and orchestration to overcome if democracy and freedom are to rise again from these ashes.
Still, I do sincerely hope that FGC is correct in his optimistic outlook which, by comparison, means I am just too glass “half empty”.
While we are prisoners in an amazingly evil and yet captivating geopolitical movie — it might be nice to see how it ends!
Bingo! Entitlements are the trap. That is what holds everyone from running away even when they know the odds of survival are slim. If they had a faith in God equal to their faith in the government producing those monthly cheques there might be hope. But no, to a last man they virtually all worship money over the intangibles of spiritualism. Now money and gold….we can feel those things. We can see them and hold them in our hands. But bring up God and its just a way to start an argument with all the non-believers who insist its just fiction. That’s why the churches are empty but the strip clubs are full. True non believers need stuff that is real. And Pastors don’t deliver it.
But seriously Columbia. Most people are prisoners of the system. They can never escape until their minds are set free.
Columbia wrote: There may not be a safe haven in the developed world.
Farmer answers: Precisely true….Get out while you still have time!
In an ideal world yes, move to a developing country for a simpler world where the people want nothing to do with Western interference. Lots of those places. It’s the adaptation that difficult.
I meet many who got the shots without question. Safe and effective after all. Now when I mention the climate lockdowns, there is a lot of resistance and they think I’m crazy. Met a few “I just want to be left alone types”. They are the types that have nothing to lose if they are faced with this tyranny and will fight back viciously. They are usually the 30-35% who don’t vote. Just want to go about their lives in peace. I believe they are the ones who will lead us out of this mess. They have real useful life skills compared to the compliant green city types. Actually salt of the earth people that know how to get it done.
Whats easy about adapting to being murdered by chemical and bio shots?
No thanks. Better to be poor and alive than rich and dead! LOL