These “Shots” don’t do anything but maim and kill…they make your cells produce a toxin that has zero value for immunity from any virus . sheesh


This weekend, the Epoch Times interviewed insurance analyst Josh Stirling on its long-form video program “American Thought Leaders.” In the clip below, you’ll hear analyst Stirling describing his analysis of mortality data by geographic area, in which he found a distinct statistical correlation between rates of vaccine uptake and excess deaths.

Stirling summarized his conclusion saying, “the more doses on average you have in a region within the United States, the bigger increase increase in mortality that region has had in 2022 when compared to 2021.” He said the data showed a +7% increase in risk of death for each shot taken, so that a person who took five shots would have a +35% risk of dying compared to an unvaccinated person.

Fully’s note : This is NOT a Rightwing Conspiracy Nutcase…This is a Professional Insurance Analyst

Also note….with twitter now “Open” many who were NOT aware of this are now getting the message…they see this guy and then they look around at their own friends and family and they begin to “wonder”. It’s a Process and a very dark and scary one to accept.

Stirling said they analyzed the data several different ways, and consistently got the same result:

“It exactly confirms the conclusion coming out of the UK data, it’s a different way of doing it, it’s a totally different data set, but ultimately it leads to a very similar mathematical conclusion. Which is a really unfortunate one, because, you know, obviously, hundreds of millions of us have — either we personally or our friends and family, and all of society — now have to deal with all of these consequences.”

Though his conclusions were troubling, the data analyst had an optimistic take: having identified the problem we can work on solutions. I’m an optimist too, but Josh forgot that not everyone accepts there is a problem. Not yet.

But we’re getting there.