Military Analyst Jeff Nyquist “We are heading into a nuclear war”
Six months ago I would not have believed this was even possible. I ignored all the guys talking like Jeff does in this video. Now I pay a little closer attention. He has quite a bit of history and wisdom behind his analysis. Believe it or don’t but the evidence points to a thermonuclear outcome sometime after 2025. And its been in the works for decades already as he explains. It is the docrtrine.
So 2 years to get our shit together ? I was going to try to lose some weight …but screw that now
Nevermind that, its two years to get moved to South America or someplace warm. You can lose weight later. Ride that ass across the Panama maybe.
Somewhere warm, not too hot. Heating not required.
Good supply of clean water and good fertile soil.
Away from the targeted areas.
Need to set up in advance all the survival tools and animals.
Farmer, areas of South America and Africa, could be good escapes.
I’m not one to give up easily but depending upon the extent of the damage, most will perish from radiation exposure in the short or long-term. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail
Like that Columbia. Just go….set up when you arrive. There is no competition believe me. You have probably noticed all the migration is from poor nations to the wealthy rich countries. There is barely a trickle going the other way. That always puzzles me because life is much better out here. I don’t expect to be getting much company in any case. It takes a certain kind of personality. And it helps if you don’t mind being poor. My carbon footprint is me…that’s the size of it.
LOL Farmer…YOU sir are One of a Kind !!
I’m hungry Fully…send me money.
Why does anyone believe that it would take two years to have a nuclear confrontation? Either someone gets so pissed off or screws up and it happens soon or whatever is going on has morphed into a whole new set of issues and problems and the cycle just keeps going like for the last 80 years since nuclear weapons became available.(if they even exist?)