I don’t know if any of you will be able to help, but I’m putting this out there anyway. My best friend in BC sustained tibial plateau fracture last April. Unfortunately was triple-shotted at the time. Was non-weight bearing for 3 months, not prescribed anticoagulants after surgery, and…..blood clots developed throughout the entire leg.

Fast forward after 8 months of anticoagulants, the lower third of the clots resolved, the ones from groin to knee are still very much intact and showing no signs of resolution.

He is a Centre person and now wishes he’d never taken the damn shots. Aware that the period of immobility plus shots are the cause of the problem, but the fact remains he can’t walk properly because of persistent swelling.

Please don’t anyone say he deserved this. Yes, I tried to warn him, yes, he went ahead anyway, but the fact remains he’s my friend. Also, there are a lot of people in this position who are in the Centre. If we say “I could have told you that”  or “serves you right for taking that shit” we are not winning friends and influencing people. But if we acknowledge that they made a bad decision and then try to support them getting help, they will become some of our strongest allies in the ongoing fight against evil.

Anyway, my question is: does anyone know of someone who had a vax injury in the form of a fibrous blood clot that was resistant to oral anticoagulant therapy and, if so, was there an alternative treatment that was successful? I have searched the sidebar but did not come across anything specific to treatment.
