While the Centre embraced their two shots to get along…..
The Centre is definitely not on board with the Climate Change agenda.
A few teens I’ve met have been indoctrinated from school but hopefully will change.
I must admit I rarely meet a Branch member in my daily outings. My unscientific observation is that they will blindly go along with the soul sucking WEF Agenda. The few Branch members I do run across are from the US. WA state. I guess I could point out that they won’t be travelling to ski here under the WEF plans. Why bother. They haven’t figured that out yet.
I believe the obvious failure of the shots has awakened the minds of our allies in the Centre. Trust is indeed going lower. During the ramping up of the shots early 2021, the Centre were almost as enthusiastic about the shots as the Branch except for those who were coerced.
All you need to ask them is…Why do WE need to reduce emissions in Canada which has an insignificant population when China is Ramping Up Coal Production and Use to astronomical proportions
I don’t know who first made this observation but it might have been Catherine Austin Fitts. With each day that passes, confidence in those pushing for the New World Order is falling even while the numbers in opposition to the sick agenda rapidly grows. We are near a tipping point capable of challenging the agenda across the planet. It is a fact the world has awoken to the danger of the program that is underway (and has been for decades already). So take heart. The war is not lost by any means. A little more awakening will permanently set back the NWO and put an end to this coup.
If possible embrace and converse with one Centre person a week regarding the WEF as they may not be aware of the evil plan. It’s okay to disrupt their happy life with truth for their life as they enjoy it now could vaporize overnight.
Our numbers will grow exponentially.
Yes, all the momentum is on the side of the opposition now. They know that. Its why their primary strategy is to silence dissenting voices since they have no antidote to a social mood shift against them.
Thats how I perceive it at least. Once a mind is opened it cannot be closed again. It’s like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Never works in reverse. Its why the momentum shift is guaranteed to defeat the program and its many false narratives. Its why compliance with the agendas can only be retained with generous amounts of financial incentives plus a combination of threats and blackmail. But actually holding ground is not possible for the NWO for the simple obvious reason it is not convincing. So it cannot bring people many people onboard voluntarily as it is so clearly not in their interests.