Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn: Episode 22
It’s behind a paywall and too long to post. I skip the written version and “listen” to their conversation when released. One can read more into their intonations.
Taibbi is worth the $40 a year subscription.
It is very sad that the average person has no interest in what is happening behind the curtain. Some like the NZ skier who was afraid to even search for controversial information. Now that the Witch is gone will there be a change??? The herd is usually wrong but there is a very strong urge or need to follow the narrative. Deviating from the Covid mantra has taken a long time and for some catastrophic consequences.
Davos sows fear and hopelessness. When we are demoralized we give up. Luckily the crop of Davos speakers this year are cartoonish. More of us hopefully see the lunacy of the “science ” is settled on how they intend to control us. No debate. Just blind obedience and off these participants go to destroy society as we know it. They believe they have the divine blessing to do so.
There have been other crazy periods in recorded history so this is not the first time. It is because we are all connected 24/7 to the news. Unfortunately it’s their news.
My impression is that the average person is quite happy to Facebook their lives but will not discuss topics that honestly affect them. Many on the Goldtent are content to follow but never give input. That’s ok as it is still hopefully a free society. On many Substacks the comments are the best section. I believe the author puts an idea out there for debate. Some of the debates really open my mind to the reality of life and subjects I never thought about.
My fellow residents of our Resort Municipality, are very superficial, have no depth and are perfectly happy to avoid the reality of life out there. The same goes for the strangers I meet daily. It’s all about bread and circus. Contentment.
The boiling frog until it’s too late. Sometimes I get the impression that I’m speaking with empty shells.
Fully, you likely know the stats but it’s a very small group that expresses themselves here to the world.
The Taibbi podcast touches upon the fact that every word we say now may come back to haunt us as the social norms change with time. But, if we don’t say something we are hurtling faster to their ultimate goal. Total control of our minds and bodies….if you survive the culling .
Always appreciate your insights Columbia
We are a small community compared to the Rogans and Campbells and Malones and most Substackers of the world ( more power to them
Best guess is around 5,000 regular readers …as you say the silent majority . Each and every one is appreciated .
I like it that way . We are not monetised and thus not compromised . We are also small enough to be under the radar.
I never worry about expressing views here. The only thing we need to be careful of is ..not to appear to be inciting violence against any individuals or groups…so when we say Hang the bastards it is qualified with “after conviction in a court of law”
I am more optimistic than you . I see signs everywhere that the WEFers have overplayed their hand and are in decline…Just a Clown / Freak show now…BECAUSE we collectively have exposed them.
It’s true of course that most people do not want to look as deeply into all this disgusting corruption and see all the degenerates like we do. But the fact we and so many others in the Broader Freedom Community are working diligently and passionately every day to expose all of this…gets into the zeitgeist ( my favorite new word) . So even though Joe normal is not as tuned in as we are they are much more aware ( passively) that the evil exists and so you see it in the “polls” and in the refusal of the 4th vaxx and in the declining masking …and on and on.
If we fear retribution for speaking out relatively anonymously as we do here then we are playing right into “Their” agenda….so….Fuck em !