Chris sent this and I had to share it…He started early and often and that made all the difference.

Excellent Chris…your common sense and bullshit detector influenced and saved your family !!

Hi Fully

I just read the comments in the above post. I feel so sorry for those who
lost contact with most of their friends and family. I am one of the lucky
ones who managed to keep on good terms with most of my friends and family.
As you know I was calling b.s. to the “beer flu” right from the very
beginning of 2020. I was part of a very tiny minority that started
researching right from the first mention of trouble in China. As I found
out more and more (it didn’t take very long – a few days) I started
sharing tidbits with those closest to me. I didn’t push anything hard, but
planted many seeds of doubt so no one I loved would be blind-sided by what
was to come. The lock-downs confirmed to many I had warned that I was on
the right track, so they became VERY skeptical as time went on. Keep in
mind; I am the only one in my family that takes any interest in anything
geo-politcal, so I was always having to tread lightly around all my
“normie” family and friends. But I will say I was largely successful. Out
of the 10 closest friends and family members, only 3 got jabbed. NONE got
jabbed willingly.

As an aside… we had our first family reunion last summer after a 3 year
hiatus. It is a gathering of about 50 people from all over and most of
them I only see at reunion. I was very shocked to discover about half were
un-jabbed, and everyone showed up! Nobody gave anyone a hard time over
beliefs and it was a great time.

It IS possible to co-habit with normies, if the normies have a sense of
what is important in LIFE. It seems all my extended family prioritizes
family togetherness over virtue signalling proselytizing.

As it should be.