I am not including the Branch (30-35%). I have no idea what they know.

At this point in time 65-70% appear to know the following:
-jabs not stopping infection or transmission
-masks are ineffective for aerosol viruses
-lockdowns created more problems than they helped
-more boosters don’t help (many still don’t know the IgG4 story though) Many still don’t associate their chronic cold with repeated jabs
-natural immunity is real
-all of us can contract one of the variations of Covid and survive regardless of shot status
-both unjabbed and jabbed can die from Covid (there are unhealthy and elderly members in both categories)
-there are minor and serious adverse events from the jabs
-there are deaths associated with the jab (debatable as to the numbers still)
-mandates were counter-productive (health-care workers, etc)

From my unscientific surveys, only the branch are participating in the jabbing at this point (up to date stats are lower than the Branch level, except in BC where their members get a Gold star

Now we need the Medical Community to stand up, seek an end to the jabs and ask for the inquiries.